Friday, June 27, 2008

Eleanor Rynn Kelly D: 1921

Died Within Less Than Six Months After Death of Husband.
The Maker has again seen fit to remove from our midst a highly respected and esteemed citizen when on Sunday Mrs Eleanor Kelly, widow of J. E. Kelly was called to her eternal reward. Deceased had been ailing for several years with a complication of diseases and it was last May when she and her husband consulted the Mayos at Rochester that Mr Kelly passed suddenly away while eating at a hotel.
But little hopes were entertained for her recovery after that visit and she returned to await the end. She was a constant sufferer but was able to be up at times until the Wednesday preceeding. Sunday evening about 5:30 she called each of the children to her side and being assured that everything was all right she patiently awaited the end which finally came at 10:30 that night to relieve her of her sufferings.
Eleanor Rynn was born at Brocklinn, Dane county WI on March1, 1860 and was 61 years of age at the time of death. On Nov 7, 1877 she was married to James E. Kelly at Mason City IA. They came to Dakota Territory in 1883 and settled on a farm in Dixon township the place they still own and moved to Vienna in 1907 and retired from farm life.
The surviving children are Mrs James Mulcrone, Cando NM; Mrs James Foy, James R. Kelly and Miss Tressa Kelly of Vienna. Mrs. Mulcrone arrived Monday to attend the funeral. One brother John Rynn of Dixon township also survives.
Funeral services were held at St. John's Catholic church Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock, the pastor Rev. Father Martyn officiating and the church was filled to capacity with friends to pay final respects to a departed friend. The remains were taken to Bryant and interment made in the cemetery in the family lot beside the remains of her husband.
Mrs Kelly led a quiet and Christian life and her mission in life has been fully accomplished. She had a wide and lasting acquaintance, every one a staunch friend and the entire community hereby extends to the sorrowing children and brother heartfelt sympathy.

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