Thursday, June 26, 2008

Gus Miller

Injured in an Accident at Willow Lakes.
Brother of Mrs. Nels Troad of Vienna, Funeral Tuesday.
An accident occurred at Willow Lakes last Wednesday which caused injuries to Gust Miller of that town from which he died Thursday evening at 6 o'clock in a hospital at Watertown.
According to reports he was driving a team when an automobile hit the back end of his rig which threw him to the ground, breaking several ribs, fracturing his left shoulder and causing internal injuries. He was taken to Wwatertown but owing to his advanced age he was unale to overcome the injuries.
Gus. Miller was 77 years of age last July and came to America in 1881. After residing in Illinois 2 years he came to South Dakota with his family and settled on a piece of land near Willow Lakes where he resided until recently when he retired. His wife passed away many years ago.
The children surviving him are Nels P. of Melham, Mrs John Peterson of Clark, George of Tracey and Mrs J. Richardson of Denver CO. One brother M.J. of Willow Lakes and two sisters Mrs. Nels Troad of Vienna and another in Sweden survive.
The funeral took place at Willow Lakes Thursday, the Nels Troad family from here attending.
Transcribed from clipping in old scrapbook. Clark County SD newspaper, circa 1914. Article lists this person as both "GUS" and "GUST"

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