Thursday, June 26, 2008

John Jacob Keller

John Jacob Keller, one of the first settlers in western Hamlin county, passed away at his home on sunday, September 10, 1911 at 5 o'clock p.m. at the age of 56 years, 4 months and 25 days. Mr. Keller was born April 18, 1855 at Helenville, Jefferson county, Wis. His parents not being among the wealthy in the land, John was obliged to share in hard work to make a living for the rest of the family. In 1884 he was married to his now sorrowing widow, whose maiden name was Miss Margaret Wolf. This union was blessed with two sons and one daughter, Charles, Irvin and Ina, all of whom survive the family and are at home. In the spring of 1884 mr. Keller with his wife came to Dakota, settling on a homestead in Hamlin county, which remained his home until death relieved him of his painful suffering.
Mr. Keller was always a hard working man and very saving, which speaks for the well kept farm and comfortable home he leaves his family. In his quiet and unassuming way he always gave family and home duties first attention and thus also won high esteem and admiration from his large circle of acquaintance who regarded him as friend. At an early period in life Mr. Keller consecrated his life to God and united with the Evangelical association, being always a faithful member and a zealous worker in the church, serving as superintendent, class leader, exhorter, trustee and as steward.
By special request of the deceased the funeral services were conducted by Rev. Chas W. Zech of Watertown and Rev. F. H. Brockmueller of Milbank, former pastor of the charge. Services were conducted at the home and in the church in both the German and English language, the former speaking in English from Rev. 14:13. The choir from the chuch of Hazel furnishing the music, rendering most appropriate selections. The decorations and floral offerings were appropriate and profuse. The remains were laid to rest in the Zion cemetery, while a large concourse of friends stood by with bowed heads, paying their last rights to one whom they loved. Over sixty teams were in attendance from the vicinity and some coming from Clear Lake and Watertown. Those from a distance were Miss Mary Wolf and Mrs. John Hahn, both from Wisonsin, sisters of Mrs. Keller.
During his prolonged and very papinful suffering, which was due to cancer of the stomach, Mr. Keller was very patient, never murmuring, only toward the end he expressed as desire to be relieved and permitted to rest. His wish is now granted. Besdies the immediate family he leaves two brothers, C. W. Keller residing in Hazel, and Rev. George Keller in Naperville, Ill, and a large circle of friends.

Card of thanks:
We wish to express our sincere thanks to the many friends and neighbors for their sympathy and kindness to us during the illness and death of our husband and father. Mrs. John Keller, Charles Keller, Ina Keller, Irvin Keller.

Transcribed from Clark County newspaper, 1911. From my Grandmother's scrapbook

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