Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mrs. H. C. McNelly

The sad news was received in this city on Wednesday last that Mrs H. C. McNelly was dead. She had been in very poor health for several months and about two weeks ago went to the hospital at Minneapolis and underwent an operation for appendicitis, the effects from which she never recovered. Deceased was well known to many of the readers of this paper, having resided in this vicinity most of the time since 1882, when they removed from Avoca, WI and took up government land in Pleasant township. About a year and half ago theymoved to Grey Eagle, MN where Mr. McNelly is engaged in the general merchandise business. Besides a sorrowing husband two daughters, Mrs Carl Johnson of Badger, SD and Miss Addie McNelly of Grey Eagle MN and one son Clair are left to mourn her departure.
Transcribed from clipping in old scrapbook. Labeled "Willow Lakes News" Willow Lakes, SD. No dates available, although nearby clippings are circa 1914.

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