Thursday, June 26, 2008

Mrs. John D. Hayes d circa 1924.

Funeral Services will be at the St. John's Catholic Church Vienna Saturday Morning at 9 O'clock
Mrs. John D. Hayes, one of our venerable old ladies passed away at her home in Vienna yesterday morning, November 4 at 8:30. She died without a struggle becoming gradually weaker during the past 2 weeks and her end was expected momentarily.
The lady was past 84 years of age, and came to America when 17 years of age and to South Dakota about the year of 1882 and to Vienna about 25 years ago. Her husband preceeded her to the grave in September 1923.
Owing to some of the relatives being unable to arrive earlier the funeral services will be held Saturday morning at the local Catholic church. The pastor, Rev. Edw. M. J. Kehoe being absent today we are unable to give the exact hour for holding the funeral but presume it will be 9 o'clock and the remains taken to Bryant for interment.
Next week we will give the complete obituary. We join with the many friends of the mourners in extending sincere sympathy to them in their bereavement.

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