Thursday, June 26, 2008

Bessie Mabel Arneson Holt

On Wednesday morning the community was startled by the sad intelligence of the death of Mrs. Theodore Holt who died Tuesday evening, February 18th about 7 o'clock at the age of 19 years, 10 months and 14 days.
Bessie Mabel Holt, daughter of Mr. and mrs. A. O. Arneson, was born in Opdahl township on March 24, 1888, she was baptized in May the same year and was confirmed on October 18th 1903.
After completing the 8th grade, she attended the Bryant high school one year and also the Madison normal school one year. She taught school one year in this township.
She was married on Nov 8, 1906 to Theodore Holt. Husband, parents, three sisters, four brothers, many relatives and a host of friends mourn the loss of a devoted wife, a dutiful daughter, and affectionate sister and a truly self-sacrificing mother to the now motherless babe placed as a last gift into the arms of a loving husband and father.
The funeral occurred on Saturday Feb. 22. A short service was held at the home, the body was then taken to the Lutheran Church where a large crowd had already assembled. Rev. L. Thoresen officiating. The largest crowd that ever assembled in this community to honor the dead was present at the funeral, which attests to the high regard in which she was held. There were people here from many miles around. After the services at the church the remains were borne to the cemetery where the body was laid to rest in the cold earth, but her name will be cherished long by those who were intimate with her.
Besides the relatives in the immediate vicinity who attended the funeral were the following: Mr. and Mrs. McLaughlin, Mr and Mrs Facet of Watertown, Mr and Mrs Christ Hanson, Mr Walby and daughter of Vienna, Mr and Mrs K. K. Holt and family of Castlewood and mr and Mrs Will March and family of Bryant.
Transcribed from clipping in Grandmother's scrapbook. Clark County SD newspaper, handwritten date of 1908 on article.


Me said...

I am her great, great grand daughter. Milton Theodore Holt is my Paternal grandfather. I remember hearing that my grandfather's mother died giving birth to him.

Unknown said...

Me too cuz, I remember her sad! Miss grandma and grandpa Holt!